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Tricia Noone from Ireland:

Please pray for my mother Reena Noone, who is sick with a shoulder infection and is due for surgery soon

Kate from Ireland : Prayer for sick grandmother

Pray for Esther Hyland, Shaen Portlaoise who is sick in hospital. Please send prayers of strength and healing Thank you

Kate from Ireland : Prayer for the sick

Pray for Esther Hyland, Shaen Portlaoise who is sick in hospital. Please send prayers of strength and healing Thank you

Kate from Ireland : Prayer for Strength

Please pray for the Hyland family and ask for strength and healing during this difficult time.

Kate from Ireland : Prayer for Sick Grandmother

Please pray for Esther Hyland- my grandmother is currently in hospital and we have been told by doctors that her health is declining. Please pray for her strength and healing during these difficult times. Thank you

Shelly Yaroch from United States: protection and healing

Please pray for the Intercessors of the Trinity core team and their families for their protection against all evil (spiritual warfare). Place us underneath his shield (Psalm 91) for spiritual protection. Pray for all the intentions of those that come to our prayer group each Tues evening live stream on face book/You Tube. Special prayers for: (1) Kerby Family- for protection for all family members (2) Prayers for success of our fundraising campaign (3) Ric-cancer in liver/lungs (4) baby William King-for continued healing and strength (5) IOTT Finance Committee-protection (6) Christine’s sister-ALS (7) Release psalm 91 over “THE AMAZING PARISH “Conference. For all of those involved with the conference workers, and attendees! Awaken your church! Amen (8) Release psalm 91 over Fr John Paul to shepherd and guide St Frances Cabrini parish (9) Amy-brain cancer, strength in dealing with her husband Scott’s 4th surgery on hip due to infection (10) Prayers for those affected by COVID19, healing and protection for our country (11) Scott-had a hip replacement with infection issues, on 4th surgery in less than 2 weeks, for total healing (12) Ken-cancer back, for total healing (13) Carol-breast cancer (14) Michael-was healed recently of voices constantly in his head, they have returned . Asking for strength, protection, wisdom , total healing (15) Christine-healing from whatever is going on with her colon/digestive (16) Duane-healing from addiction (17) Judith-bladder cancer (18) Theresa-healing from miscarriage Blessings Shelly

Andrea Farrell from England: Thank you

St Camillus, and Our Lady of Perpetual Health with grateful hearts and tears of joy I thank you. I thank all those who responded in kind to my request and their prayers. My Mother is recovering from the procedure, tired but happy to be home. It was a miraculous success. God Bless everyone and please continue to pray for all nurses and doctors, exhausted and needing our help to get through these trying times. Those angels where there to help my mother and the gentlemen who where being treated on the ward too. They worked tirelessly and cheerfully and the Radiologist took great care of my Mother. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all your prayers I thank you Andrea.

Andrea Farrell from England: My Mother,Nursing Homes, the Sick

St Camillus, I ask you to intercede for us, to Our Lady of Perpetual Health, who is always there for us. I need some help with this. On Tuesday, my Mother is facing a procedure that will improve her quality of life and heal her leg. Oh Mary Mother of Perpetual help and St Camillus and the Brothers of the Order of St Camillus please, intercede for us this day and guide the Radiologist, keep my Mother calm and let it all be okay. Give us the strength to do this because it must be done, its gone on too long. Please protect us during our time at the Hospital from the Covid 19 virus and protect all those around us who help through this day. Bless and protect all those who work in the Hospital and the Taxi Drivers who take us there when we need to go. St Camillus, intercede for us, ask Mary Mother of Perpetual Help to hold my Mothers hand from now until its all done, and hold mine too because I am a nurse and I know too much about what can go wrong. Help her and I to be brave. Thank Mary, be a Mother to us all now. Bless all the Brothers of the Order of St Camillus. Bless and protect all Nursing Home, this one at Killucan, Christopher Grange and many more that have suffered devestating loss through the Covid. Protect us and Bless us and pray that this Vaccination will be rolled out to the poor as well as the rich countries. Thank Our Lady of Perpetual Help, thank the Lord for all the workers who discovered and created the vaccine. God bless xxx Andrea xxxx

Emily Smith from USA: For my mother’s healing

Please pray for my mother, Luann Ensminger, 59, she is in the hospital on a ventilator with covid pneumonia. Please pray that she makes a full recovery. Thank you.
Dear Friends, let us pray for Emily’s Mother, Luann that she may recover through the grace of the Holy Spirit and the Healing of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Fr Stephen

Ludovic SARRAZ-BOURNET from France: Health

new prayer PLEASE still i ask Jesus to heal oksana , a widow in kiev, ukraine (she can t work) and help nastia -her daughter student_to live a decent life with more christian friends and be luckier. also ,ioulia the christian grand-mother poor. as for me that God shows me what to do to succeed in my life and bless my family thanks a lot

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